Founding memebers of the 2018 Rodenticide Action Group from left: Dr Boyd Wykes, Steve Castan, Tanya Edwards, Eden Edwards (front), Karen Majer, Rusty Rouse, Dr Shaun Molloy (front), Sam Hines, Felicity Bradshaw, Linda Moyle.
OWl FRIENDLY MARGARET RIVER (established by ‘The Rodenticide Action Group’ Margaret River Region’ in 2018)
Owl Friendly MR is working with the community to establish the Augusta Margaret River Region as a safe haven for owls and other wildlife from rodenticide poisoning.
Owl Friendly MR is an association of volunteers who are contributing a wide range of capabilities to a campaign to address the insidious threat of rodenticide poisoning to owls and other wildlife in our region.
Funding raised for the campaign is managed through an auspicing agreement with the Capes Foundation of the Margaret River Busselton Tourism Association.
Members are:
Dr Boyd Wykes, zoology, conservation management (Coordinator)
Steve Castan, wildlife photography (aka estabanthenatureman)
Karen Majer, communication
James Bennett, Owl Friendly Hero Coordinator
Felicity Bradshaw, wildife veterinarian
Phil Pain, raptor rehabilitation (Eagles Heritage)
Linda Moyle, wildlife rehabilitation (FAWNA)
Sue Taylor, film-maker
Rusty Rouse, fundraising, citizen science
Sam Hines, citizen science
Suzanne Anderson, ecologist
Technical Advisors to the group are:
Dr Robert Davis, wildlife ecologist (Head ECU Joondalup fauna research lab including co-ordinating studies on rodenticide impacts on wildlife)
Michael Lohr, wildlife rodenticide specialist ( Adjunct Researcher ECU Joondalup fauna research lab)
Simon Cherriman, environmental biologist, educator and filmmaker (Wedge-tailed Eagle specialist, Birdlife Australia Raptor Group, WA Rep.
We are tackling the issue at the many levels where rodenticide use can be influenced: the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority scheduling, State and Local Government health administration, retail sale, application by pest operators, businesses and households. We are also undertaking and supporting research on wildlife exposure to and consequences from rodenticides and for treatment of affected wildlife by veterinarians and wildlife carers.
The ‘Masked Warrior’ founding members of the Rodenticide Action Group share an enthusiasm for ensuring Margaret River remains a ‘hot-spot’ for the enigmatic Masked Owl: from left Karen Majer, Steve Castan, Tanya Edwards, Boyd Wykes